The programme

Before the procedure :

Overall management within a multi-disciplinary team liaising with the attending physician.
This team is made up of :

  • A gastroenterologist: He inserts and extracts the balloon and supports you throughout the treatment
  • A nutritionist, endocrinologist or dietician: They recommend a formula suitable for your situation after considering your eating habits
  • A psychiatrist or psychologist: They assess and treat eating disorders
  • And an intensive care anaesthetist: He monitors all the body functions throughout the balloon insertion and extraction procedures.

You should be informed of the advantages and disadvantages of the balloon, of the obligation to extract the balloon aft er 6 months, of the necessity of a multi-disciplinary treatment and a long-term follow-up.

Patients must be advised to use contraception.

The decision to insert the balloon must be taken aft er discussion and deliberati on by the multi-disciplinary team.

Insertion :

  • under general anaesthetic with or without tracheal intubation
  • under endoscopic control
  • in the endoscopy theatre
  • with equipment for monitoring vital and respiratory functions
  • by professionals who have received specific training

After insertion :

  • you will receive advice on suitable progressive nutritional management
  • you will be prescribed anti-secretory agents, anti-emetics, anti-spasmodics
  • and/or analgesics
  • a serum electrolyte and a creatinaemia test (3rd day) will be performed
  • consultation with a member of the multi-disciplinary team every 4 to 6 weeks
  • therapeutic education programme implemented with the multi-disciplinary team before the procedure and continued afterwards
  • you should be informed of the alarm signals, complications, the follow-up methods, the dietary and behavioural treatment

Patient Follow-Up